Exhale, push the hands against the floor, contract the abdominal muscles, and lift the legs and buttocks away from the floor.
Step 3:
Hold suspended for 10 to 15 seconds. Then lower your legs and buttocks on an exhalation, change the cross of the legs, and repeat for the same length of time.
Beginner's Tip:
If you're not yet able to accomplish full Padmasana, it's possible to get a feel for Tolasana using Ardha Padmasana (Half-Lotus Pose). In Half-Lotus, perform the pose as described in Steps 2 and 3 above. With this leg position, the buttocks will lift off the floor, but the outer calf and foot of the bottom leg won't.
Modifications and props:
With the hands on the floor, it's often difficult to lift the legs away from the floor. Use a block under each hand to increase the length of the arms and assist the lift of the legs.
Deepen the pose:
To assist with the lift of the torso and legs, draw your inner groins up into the core of your torso, along the front of the spine.
tola = literally "poising one's self"; usually rendered as "balance" or "scale".
Strengthens the wrists, arms, and abdomen.
Therapeutic Applications:
Contraindications and Cautions:
Avoid this pose with any shoulder or wrist injuries.
Tolasana also has many contraindications in common with Padmasana