
  • Beginner's Tip:
    • There's a middle position for the hands and arms, between having the hands on the floor and pressing them together behind the back. Simply cross the arms behind the back, parallel to the waist. Hold each elbow with the opposite hand. When the right leg is in front, bring the right arm around behind the back first; when the left leg is in front, bring the left arm first.
  • Modifications and props:
    • FIf you find your back heel lifting as you bend into this pose, practice with your back heel pressed to a wall. The heel's contact with the wall will help you keep it grounded. Another way to work with a lifting heel is to raise it on a sandbag.
  • Deepen the pose:
    • There are really two ways to position the torso over the front thigh in this pose. Beginners should align the midline of the torso over the inner side of the front thigh. Advanced students should rotate the torso and bring its midline down over the midline of the front thigh.
  • Partnering:
    • A partner can help you anchor the heads of the thighs, which in turn will help you ground the heels and lengthen the spine. Take the feet apart and turn the torso. Have your partner stand behind you and loop a strap over your groins, just in the creases where the thighs join the pelvis. Then bend forward into the pose. Your partner should pull firmly on the strap, dragging the groins deeper into the pelvis. From this action, press actively into the back heel and lengthen the spine over the front thigh.
  • Info
    • parsva = side, flank ut = intense tan = to stretch or extend (compare the Latin verb tendere, "to stretch or extend").
  • Benefits:
    • Calms the brain .
    • Stretches the spine, shoulders and wrists (in the full pose), hips, and hamstrings .
    • Strengthens the legs .
    • Stimulates the abdominal organs .
    • Improves posture and sense of balance.
    • Improves digestion.
  • Therapeutic Applications:
    • Flat feet .
  • Contraindications and Cautions:
    • If you have a back injury or high blood pressure, avoid the full forward bend; instead do Ardha Parsvottanasana (pronounced are-dah = half). Perform steps 1 and 2 as described above, a couple of feet from and facing a wall. With an exhalation lower your torso parallel to the floor and reach your hands out to the wall. Press your palms actively into the wall (preferably with your elbows fully extended), keeping your front torso longer than your back.