Looks like you do want that fab body. Alright, let's make things more interesting, shall we?
Those who are directly trying to jump to this, please be forewarned of gym pains and if you do not go back to the gym after the first day, we will know why. Read up the Beginner's details.
Begin the workout with stretches for each body part same as in the beginners' workout. Start from the neck rotation and work down to each body part. Throw in 3 sets of 10 reps each of pushups for a great upper body. Warm up the specific body part you wish to work on.
At this point you should be a pro at 5 minute cardio exercises. Crank that to 7 minutes each. Every third day try and change the variations to keep it interesting and challenging.
Once you are done with the stretches and cardio, we start the actual workout by targeting one body part per day. The idea is to work out each body part and then give it ample time to repair and grow while other body parts are stressed. Select 5 variations of 3 sets each, each set comprising of 15 reps for the body part you wish to work.
Ensure that you do not give too much space between each set to avoid body from cooling down.
Finish up with 3 variations for abs and 3 sets of forearms exercises (front and back forearms). For abs, keep in mind:
It is always recommended to lie down on the exercise mat or relax on a chair for a bit before you head out to allow the body to cool down.
Usual workout is in the following order:
In short:
Recommended workout is for 6 days a week. If not possible, continue the cycle for the next week.