Twist Crunch

  • Targeted Muscles:
    • Side Abdominal Muscles (internal and external obliques)
    • Front Abdominal Muscles (rectus abdominis)
  • To make the exercise easier, try crossing your arms on top of your chest as you perform the exercise. If your neck feels strained, place one hand behind your head for support. For another variation that also works the sides of your abdominal muscles more, lie on your back on the mat with your knees together and bent. Drop both knees to one side, keeping your shoulders flat on the floor. Then with your hands behind your head, lift your head and shoulders straight up. After completing a set, drop your knees to the other side and repeat the exercise.
  • To work the abdominal muscles more, raise your legs and bend your hips and knees 90 degrees, keeping your knees together. To make this variation even more challenging, straighten your right leg as you lift your head and shoulders toward your left knee. Then straighten your left leg as you crunch toward your right knee and continue alternating legs until you complete the exercise. The last exercise looks like you are pedaling a bike.
  • The twist crunch is a good exercise for strengthening and toning the sides and front of your abdominal muscles. One important benefit of developing strong abdominal muscles is that these muscles help to support your back.
  • Proper form is essential to prevent injury and to get the most out of the exercise. To protect your lower back, do not lift your hips off the mat at any point during the exercise. Also avoid bending your neck or pulling your head with your hands.
  • When you lift your head and shoulders off the mat, do not immediately lower back to the starting position. Instead, contract your abdominal muscles and hold the position for at least one count before lowering. Focus on lifting using your abdominal muscles, keeping your elbows out to the sides instead of simply swinging your elbow toward your knee. Imagine that your goal is to lift your shoulder, not your elbow, toward your knee.
  • If you have existing back or neck problems, you should be careful performing twist crunches.
  • Do not pull your neck forward with your hands. You should not bend your neck.
  • Do not move your arms. Keep your elbows out to the sides.
  • Do not interlock your fingers behind your head.
  • Do not lift your feet off the floor.