From the floor keep back angle same until bar gets to mid thigh.
When bar gets to mid-thigh, drive the hips forward and upward vertically.
Be a "junk yard dog" on the turn over (or the 3rd pull)!
Assume the starting position by bending the knees and lowering the hips andgripping the barbell with a wide grip. The grip should be wide enough to allow the lifter to do a full squat with the bar at armslength overhead. In the starting position, the shoulders should be over the bar and the back arched tightly.
To start the pull, the athlete pushes their feet though the floor. As the barbell reachesknee height, the back stays arched and maintains the same angle to the floor as in thestarting position.
When the barbell passes the knees the athlete vigorously raises the shoulders keepingthe bar as close to the legs as possible.
When the bar passes the upper thighs it should touch the thighs. At this point the lifter drives with the legs in a vertical jumping motion and finishes the extension of the body.
When the body is extended the lifter shrugs their shoulders and starts pulling with thearms, still keeping the barbell close to the body. (This is accomplished by lifting theelbows out to the side, keeping them over the bar as long as possible.) From this positionthe lifter aggressively pulls the body under the bar.
The lifter catches the bar at arms length as he moves into the squat position. As soon as the barbell is fixed on locked out arms in the squat position, the athletestands up and the lift is complete.
Don't let the bar get to far away from your body (should keep the bar close at all times)
Don't pull with your back. Pull with your arms (should keep arms loose)